Channel: Network Speed – NetEqualizer News Blog
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Wireless Network Supercharger 10 Times Faster?

I know this analogy of two guys sending chickens blindly in box cars with confirmation notes sounds somewhat silly and definitely inefficient, but the analogy serves to explain just how inefficient...

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Where can you find the fastest Internet Speeds ?

The fastest Internet Speeds on earth can be found on any police detective related shows, CSI, etc.  Pick a modern TV show, or movie for that matter, with a technology scene, and you’ll find that the...

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More lies and deceit from your ISP

Note: We believe bandwidth shaping is a necessary and very valuable tool for both ISPs and the public. We also support open honest discussion about the need for this technology and encourage our...

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Dear Comcast, Please Stop Slowing my iOS Update

Last week I was forced to re-load my iPad from scratch. So I fired it up and went through the routine that wipes it clean and re-loads the entire OS from the Apple cloud.  As I watched the progress...

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What is Your True Internet Speed? Are those Speed Tests Telling the Truth?

When the consumer Internet came of age back in 1990, there was never any grand plan to insure a consistent speed from one point to another. Somewhere along the line, as the Internet went from an...

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Comcast at It Again, Shaping Amazon Content

Sunday night I decided I would finally try watching the Sopranos.  Amazon offers Sopranos content for $1.99 an episode, which saves me the hassle of getting a full year HBO subscription to get...

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Speed up Your Browser, Free Yourself From Java Script

I have not tested the limits on this yet, but I was able to get through a couple of common news sites clicking to various articles, and my delays were about 1/10 of normal which is a significant...

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Seven Must Know Network Troubleshooting Tips

I did some profiling. Neighbor to my west is a Judge with his own network , not him. Across the street, a retired Librarian, not her. That left the Neighbor to my South West as the likely culprit...

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How to Speed Up Windows/Apple Updates

To thwart their shaping and get my speed back up near 20 megabits as promised, I simply had to hide my intentions. This can be accomplished using any number of consumer grade VPN applications.

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Why is Your Internet Connection So Slow?

Intuitively, when your router is dropping packets, one would assume that the perceived slow down, per user, would be just a gradual shift slower.

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